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The Journey Cartoon, Page 3
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Here inside you can feel a tone that is nurturing and feminine. Super Mom is the care-taker of this Rhelm. She asks,"is it a happy day or a sad day?" Super Dad rules the Rhelm of competition and masculine tone. He asks," are you a winner or a loser?" They work together to create the human condition. "I read about 'the Science of Happiness' in TIME magazine, "Look Super Mom". "Yes," she replied, "Happiness is significant". The bottom crystal in the lab will be a link to vocabulary and resources used by this web-site. To be continued.
Here inside you can feel a tone that is nurturing and feminine. Super Mom is the care-taker of this Rhelm. She asks,"is it a happy day or a sad day?"
The Journey Cartoon - Page 1
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