Why did she
create the characters Grand-Ma Rainbow and Super Mom?
Who is Grand-Ma
Grand-Ma Rainbow is a
fictional character who is an advocate
and a role-model for Art
She is a creation of Dr.
Crew Roboch who has taught Art to young children
in a Pennsylvania public
school for over 30 years.
Dr. Crew's professional name
is Dr. Roboch
Why did I create this program, this web-site
and these characters?
If I were a
young child in today's educational system, I would be labeled with a learning
disability because of my very visual learning style and the difficulty I had
learning to read. However, I adapted to the system and learned to read but
lost my ability to see "pictures in my mind". I cannot visualize or day-dream.
Imagine that disability!
I created the
Image-Thinking program and characters so that my grand-daughter and other visual
thinkers do not lose their ability to visualize, day-dream and imagine
while learning to read. America's current educational delivery system is very
verbal. The poem below describes my experience in third grade.
It's another day in
elementary school. Life is a struggle. Then I began to
hear a voice. It's in the distance but coming on STRONG.
Wa wa ... Wa wa ... Wa .. Wawawawa . . . WA!
"Daryle, why won't you listen!!! Every day it's the same non-sense.
You never
pay attention. Your sister is so bright and all you do is daydream.
snap out of it or you are going to be a dummy. Is that what you
want? To be a
I sat up. I decided to LISTEN. I didn't want to lose. "Mommy and
love me. They're counting on me.
HEY, what's going on?"
Suddenly it happened. My little rocket ship began to disappear and
in its place
began to emerge a DESK. All the little magic buttons are gone. I
can't see
anything ... but the teacher. It will be alright. I hear her now,
it's ok.
But wait a minute, where are the pictures? No TIME for the pictures.
It's okay.
Just listen to the teacher. Don't worry about the pictures. It's
Just listen to the teacher. Don't worry about the pictures, just
listen so you don't
become the loser. It will be okay??
It will be okay?
It will be okay?
will be okay?
It will be okay?
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