Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh....... Art History is the Literature of Vision

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Art History is The Literature of Vision.

In 1993 a Christa McAuliffe Fellowship from Pennsylvania was awarded to study Visual Literacy.

The opening sentence of my winning essay is: "When I was in Elementary School, I had my Mother believing I was retarded. If I were a young student today, I would be labeled as Learning Disabled."  However, since then, I learned that I am not retarded, I just LEARN DIFFERENTLY.
H o o k e d on Literacy

I can help improve Everychild’s ability and joy for literacy.


During my 30+ years as a Public School Art Teacher and Researcher, I have created a New Paradigm that can improve Everychild’s ability to become literate. This paradigm has expanded literacy to include Visual as well as Verbal literacy. The Public Schools are a "Living Laboratory" where I have researched and experienced Practical Methods that change lives. SUCCESS breeds SUCCESS!
Workshops Available

Art, Wellness and "Learning Abilities"

Drawing Connections - A Pre-School to 1st Grade look at "Developmentally Appropriate", "Arts-Based" Language Development and Motivation.

Semiotics - How "Arts-Based" learning relates to Neuro-Linguistics:  pre-K - 12, in all Subjects and how Everyteacher can enlist.  

Drawing People - How and Why "Story-Telling" supports Language Development, and Motivation.

Visual Literacy Resources also Available

When Art Education Supports Language Development . . . everybody wins!!